Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wow I Can't Believe It..

My IQ Test Result

Tickle's psychologists have built IQ tests before (take a look at the Ultimate IQ test and the Emotional IQ test), so the initial research for the development of the Super IQ test was already in place. We used proven, high-quality IQ test questions similar to those found in the Mensa Workout tests and the Shipley Institute of Living Scale to focus on both vocabulary and verbal abstract reasoning — two of the scales often relied on for standard IQ tests. But to create the Super IQ test, we wanted to test more abilities and make the test even more comprehensive. We believed we could assess a person's IQ even more accurately that way.

In the past, researchers who've constructed IQ tests discovered certain patterns. A particular test-taker seemed to answer questions correctly in terms of categories such as mathematical, visual, verbal, and logical. For example, researchers found that a test-taker who answers the math-oriented and verbal questions correctly tends to answer the logical questions incorrectly. From such patterns, experts were able to define some internal scales of intelligence to the overall IQ test. Thus, using those internal scales, they could offer an actual IQ score, such as 105, as well as a measurement of how well the test-taker did within each question category.

So why don't you give it a try