Mada Mada Dane
"Mada mada dane" is a phrase that was popularized by the Anime - Manga "Tennis no Ouji-sama" or The Prince of Tennis Ryoma Echizen. The meaning varies in similarity, or the way he speak to other person... "You still have a ways to go," "No, not yet," "Not good enough" or "Still no good". In the English version of the manga, or as translated directly in a chapter of the Japanese manga, "You still have lots more to work on". This phrase is Ryoma's expression...He also says this to annoy and also to taunt his rivals or you can call it to provoke them. While most often linked to Echizen, it is actually a derogatory phrase that is heard quite often in anime. Differences in usage include "dana" instead of "dane" and simply saying "mada mada.
Prince Of Tennis Season 1-7 Direct Download
Prince of Tennis OVA
Prince Of Tennis Live Action Movie
The Prince Of tennis National Championship Episodes (On-Going)